Wednesday, 7 December 2011

The Merchant City

If there was ever a time to get a free lift down to my lovely home city, then this would have been it. The only alternative on arrival, was not to go see friend and family, but to view the Merchant City. The trip was organised by our advertising and branding module with hope of us exploring surrounding retailers to analyse how each one market their business' and if any specifically stood out. The only problem that stood out for me, was that Buchanan Street was considered as part of the Merchant City? I believe not, but maybe I am wrong. This point made, could be a possible message to put out to visitors or even Glaswegians themselves, some type of promotion or mapping of where you are in the city and small description on it.

The expedition began by passing through George Square. Unfortunately for Pete and Dave who I was with at the time, the excitement of getting a chance to step into a Philadelphia movie set was a month or so too late. We captured some photographs along the way.

It was interesting to hear from others in the class that were not from Glasgow themselves and had only visited a couple of times, how they would stereotype the Merchant City. The aspect that neither of them could really pin-point what and which things that were actually in the area, they still had an idea of the area having connotation of an upper class standard. This point became much clearer and more realistic when we continued our journey. The place is crawling with designer shops and high-end cafe's. The Merchant City also includes the nicer side of architecture within Glasgow. Like said before, signage within the Merchant City lacks tragically. The outskirts of the area can change depending on what part you head for which dampens the beautiful picture you are initially left with. Problems have to be solved.

Glasgow is known for its wide range of shops and is one of the most successful shopping points in Britain. But as well as it's wide variety of shops to meet everyone's needs, Glasgow is made successful as it provides residents and visitors with 'an unequalled shopping experience'. From breathtaking window displays, to live street bands, Glasgow and most importantly the Merchant City always finds some way to intrigue the public into whatever is presented in front of your eyes. 
Examples of these are as follows….

Apple Store Glasgow
Glasgow Buskers

All Saints Glasgow Store
Abercrombie & Fitch - Hollister Store

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