Sunday, 11 December 2011

Getting ready for the show!

Lots of indecisive decisions and many group meetings later, we have eventually chosen what ideas we feel work and which don't. Our final meeting took place last week (as upsetting as that was for all of us), so we cloud finalise chosen ideas and to generate a powerpoint for our presentation the following day. This powerpoint worked as evidence for the audience to see as Louise and myself talked through our proposal. We structured our presentation in a generic order including an introduction, showing identified problems with the i, initial ideas and final outcomes etc. Our rough list (not exactly in order) was as follows:

1. Gavin 
– Introduction (show slide with brief description) 
- Present identified problems

– Present initial ideas/research
- we did investigation posters where we placed A1 sheets of paper with specific questions around the university.
Questions: What article do you read in newspapers?
What newspapers do you buy?
Emphasise how these techniques did not work and how we felt we needed to get face-to-face opinions with our target market to collect more in-depth answers.

- Problems with the availability
- The main problems with the availability of the i is that most shops do not sell it. However, the shops that do sell it have failed to place the product in an adequate area. The i could be found underneath lost of different papers and due to the design of the front cover, the logo was hidden.
One of the strategies was to get as many students to go into local shops to ask for the i newspaper. This was to analyse the the reaction of the shops to see if the amount of i newspapers which they had in stock, would increase.
(show e-mail from Carnoustie shop as evidence)

4. Louise

-We had an idea of having a small booklet within the i that was purely just for students, however this wouldn’t be cost effective and the booklet would consequently take away from the newspaper itself.
- With regards to poster design we started out initially making posters which advertised the i generally around the campus and what the newspaper had to offer. We played on the idea that it was cheap, simple, compact and to the point. The posters roles were purely just to increase awareness of the i amongst students as there is very little advertising for it in general. This is the current advert for the i just now. (show advert)
We then went down the route of associating the i with an event for example: red bull and fashion week. We wanted to associate the i with something that would make it popular – like tenants being associated with T-in the park and red bull being associated with fashion week. We came up with the idea for a Student Comedy Road Show, where local student talent could take part at all the different unions around the country.
At first we were using high profile names on the posters with the likes of Michael McIntyre and Russell Howard, however we changed this idea to a simpler look without any images of names of comedians as this was causing misconception about the event and what comedians would be performing. In addition, we changed the i logo so it was not the key feature in the posters and to make sure students were not put off thinking the event was all about the independent .

- To improve the poor product placement and availability factors of the newspaper, we decided to introduce American styled Newspaper dispensers that would be located around the campus in the hotspots. For example, beside vending machines to encourage people to pick up a paper while they were buying a quick snack.
This idea creates a quirky alternative and more interactive way to buy a newspaper and makes buying a newspaper more of an experience which in turn would tackle the problem of online readers. In addition it promotes the ‘’cool’’ factor of reading a newspaper and gets rid of the stereotype of a newspaper being ‘’fuddy-duddy’. The advantages of this are that there would be no other competition for this way of selling newspapers and in terms of funding, the box could be rented out to other companies who could advertise on the side of the box. It is also free to advertise the comedy road show on the side. 

7. Gavin

- Lastly, another low budget promotion would be to have the i put inside the independent as an insert during students’ holidays such as Christmas and Summer in the hope that they would pick it up and read it while they were at home and become somewhat of a tradition or a nostalgic attachment to home. Consequently, students may decide to keep reading the i when they return to university during the semester.

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