Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Little Riot!

After warming our brains and marketing techniques up from the previous exercise, we were then dived into a real life business scenario.

Joanna Montgomery was our guest speaker, having studied the Digital Interaction Design course (former named Interactive Media Design) at the Duncan of Jordanstone and was pitching us the exciting product of her new Interactive design business. 'Pillow Talk' was the main project of her 4th year degree show and has won numerous award ever since. 

Due to the hundreds of thousands of youtube views and high demand to put her product on the shelves, in groups, we had to process the information delivered by Jo and create a marketing strategy for her product. Using similar techniques as before, we began to list the pros from the cons, resulting in the most important/relevant areas where this product could be marketed. 

We noticed through SWOT analysis, that the main need for this product is the connection between mothers (also families in general) and the unfortunate member stuck in hospital for whatever reason.
We felt children's hospitals was our main target to market this connection. From research, hospitals such as Great Ormond Street and many others do not allow parents to stay/sleep aside loved ones through tough times. The product would take place in this scenario to keep the strong connection and reassurance that everything will be ok. Our idea gave a win/win/win situation for the family, hospital and Jo:

Family - They will benefit a connection with loved ones to reassure they are not alone and are safe.

Hospital - The hospital would buy a number of 'pillow talks' and rent them out to patients to secure the struggling bond when in need. As hospitals are always in need of money for charity reasons or for refurbishment, the money earned would certainly benefit this.

Jo - The money received from numerous hospital orders would be a given bonus. But not only that, the the image of helping those in hospitals, and even the idea that hospitals use such a product, is a very much admired attribute.

After pitching out marketing strategy to Jo and to the rest of the class, our feedback seemed very positive, giving Jo, 'a lot to think about and another audience to view the market of the product'. As a group and personally, Joanna Montgomery was a lovely person to work with and wish her all the best in the future. 

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Workshop 1: Marketing Tools

After a very long and relaxing 4 months off, reality is back and has hit us hard at our very first Advertising and Branding workshop. By using new brainstorming techniques/ strategies learnt in the lecture the day before, the group was given the choice to investigate and brainstorm the strengths and weaknesses of one of the following areas: The Duncan of Jordanstone cantina, DUSA (as a whole) and the DCA.
After choosing 'the cantina', we cracked on by using SWOT analysis to identify what we felt the cantina lacked and benefited. We all quickly jotted down on post-it notes, what we personally felt the strengths and weaknesses were and collaborated them altogether on a large sheet of news print and reviewed as a team. These were then split up into catagories to make things more clearer to view and to overall find where the biggest flaw lay. We then voted a spokesperson to then announce our pitch to the rest of the class.

Hard at work


Our findings showed that the main problems were the pricing and quality of food that the cantina had to offer. Although the pricing of certain foods and drinks were reasonable, the range and quality were not on par. The cantina opening times also created an issue to those who stay in the art school late to carry on work. If the closing time is half 4 and the art school closes at 9, then there is no way of getting a bite to eat. As well as fixing the pricing and quality issues that struggle to make us students happy, 24 hour vending machines with fresh food could solve the hunger if the cantina is still unable to stay open that little bit later.